

0 elementos eliminados (historial)

Login page
1) Logo - Either your complete logo or a symbol mark 2) Title - Context as to what you would like the user to do 3) Account identification - A unique identifier for the user 4) Password - A secure, private code that allows access to their account 5) Link to reset password - A user may forget their unique code - let them change it! 6) Link to sign up - A user may not have an account and landed on this page anyway.
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Pricing page
1) Pricing options - Subscriptions plans or one-off purchase 2) Pricing features - What the user will get for purchasing the product 3) A free pathway to sign up - A way for the user to try your product before considering the purchase. 4) Refund or return policy - A user may want to understand this further.
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404 Page
1) Your logo - Either your complete logo or a symbol mark 2) Title - Context as to what you would like the user to do 3) Explanation - Describe why the user has landed on this page 4) Links to pages - Offer a valuable pathway to stay on your product
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Contact Page
1) Personality and branding -Visual character and tone of voice that aligns with your brand ⭐️ Personal, colloquial copy helps you appear more accessible to users 2) Clear methods to contact - Phone number, email or a form to fill in for examples 3) Social media accounts - User may feel more comfortable contacting via a social platform
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Onboarding Page
1) Tutorial or instructions - Steps or instructions to show a user how the application works to get started ⭐️ Avoid static content and allow the user to actually complete tasks and use the application when experiencing the tutorial 2) Empty states -Designing states for when a task hasn't been complete, or there's no information to be shown yet ⭐️ Turn an empty state into an opportunity to instruct what you would like the user to do, and point them to tasks to complete that are most likely to provide immediate value 3) Indicators to continue steps - If you have a multi-step onboarding process, ensure the user can understand how to continue and how to return to a previous screen ⭐️ Allow multiple identifiers to login with e.g. username, or email address, or phone number 4) Progress indicator - Visualise the user's progress to establish expectations of how long your onboarding will take ⭐️ Percentages and time are great at simplifying the expectations for a user, as 5 steps does not indicate the length overall 5) Contact support - In case a user is confused or unsure in a stage of onboarding.
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Sign Up Page
1) Logo - Either your complete logo or a symbol mark 2) Title - Context as to what you would like the user to do 3) Explanation - Describe the basic features of creating an account and set their expectations as to what they can achieve. 4) Account identification - A unique identifier for the user to log in with ⭐️ An email address is the most commonly used, as you are also gaining a method to communicate with them beyond whatever they do next 5) Setting a password - A secure, private code that allows them to access their account in the future ⭐️ Include a password strength indicator ⭐️ Include password requirements (length, special characters) ⭐️ Create the ability to make the password visible 6) Link to login - A user may already have an account and landed on this page anyway.
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Cart Page
1) Metadata of items added - Name, size, style, quantity, price and images should all be present 2) Change or remove item - Give the user the ability to edit their items inside the cart 3) Shipping options - A unique identifier for the user ⭐️ Clearly show alternative shipping methods and the costs for each (if available) 4) Apply promo, discount or coupon - An obvious text field to enter a code for a reduced price ⭐️ Include above the checkout button ⭐️ Show status of whether discount was accepted or declined after submitting code 5) Accepted payment methods - Ways a user can fulfil their purchase ⭐️ Using secure payment providers instils trust into the user 6) Help and support - An important trigger point for potential issues to be addressed, where you need to show your availability in solving them 7) CTA to 'Checkout' - For once they are ready to move on and fulfil their purchase ⭐️ Make this your primary brand's color to stand out
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